Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Twelve Teams of Life Bridge (Part 3)

In The Twelve Teams of Life Bridge (Part 2), I outlined the first four teams we will focus on building at Life Bridge in order to empower one million to walk together with God.  These four teams (Engage, Empower, Equip, Encourage) are purposefully designed to move someone from no faith until they are comfortable and consistent building faith into others.  In other words, those teams build a discipleship path that results in strong, Godly leaders.  Today, we will unpack the next four teams out of the twelve.  These may seem be a bit more familiar.

It’s About Flocks

Last week, I began our Blueprints with an article entitled, “It’s About Leadership”.  In it, I started to point out that how critically important it will be for us to develop strong, Biblical leaders in order to empower one million to walk together with God.  There are always two questions that come up in the discussion about leadership.  First, who does a leader lead?  Second, where does the leader lead them?  We will talk about the first today.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Twelve Teams of Life Bridge (Part 2)

I know this is going to sound strange, but if I were only allowed to build one team to start Life Bridge, it would not have been a marketing team.  It wouldn’t be a team that plans excellent worship services.  Small groups would not be at the top of my list.  Don’t get me wrong.  Each of these teams are vital pieces of the Body of Christ.  They just wouldn’t be the first team I put in place.  That’s because the Church isn’t sent out into the world to communicate well with new people, create dynamic worship-inspiring music, or to gather people together to pray for one another.  The church exists to make mature, Christ-following disciples.

It’s About Leadership

When Jesus began his ministry, he started recruiting people who would be with him from the beginning (Acts 1:21-22).  The people he recruited were a motley bunch of men.  Fishermen, tax-collectors, doubters, and a thief were among the twelve who would be closest to him.  That’s not counting the seventy two that he knew well enough to send out two by two as well (Luke 10).  Jesus recruited people to be followers, but from the beginning it was clear that this was not his only intent.  Jesus was going to train them to be leaders.

Busy Whiteboard

Ok, so I did not anticipate the amount of activity that would take place in December and January.  Perhaps I should have.  It was, after all, Christmas.  Since my last post on December 5th, we have held 14 normal weekend services, 7 midweek services, a family Christmas program, Christmas Eve Candlelight service, and a New Years Eve youth overnight party.  In addition to all this, we attempted to travel to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving (resulting in car repairs and replacement in December), actually travelled to Cincinnati in January (for Christmas with family), and spent a week in Anderson, IN to continue my Doctoral studies. Whew!

All that being said, the “whiteboard” has not stayed clean.  I’ve been writing on it quite a bit with different individuals and teams.  Work is progressing.  New teams are starting to form.  MBOs (ministry by objectives) are being created, and support systems are being developed and put into place.  God is working in and through His people to begin empowering one million to walk together with God.  God team!  Praise God!!!