Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Twelve Teams of Life Bridge (Part 1)

I was just listening to my favorite version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” again to get me into the season.  I think I enjoy it because I used to be in an acapella singing group many years ago with my dad.  I also think I enjoy it because their version seems a bit ADHD, but really pulls a lot of fun references together into one Christmas song.  In the end, it makes beautiful (and fun) music.

Priorities, Process and Progress

Long before opening day of Life Bridge Christian Church, we were prayed for by people over a ten year time span.  They prayed for God’s timing.  They prayed for God’s leadership.  They prayed for God’s provision.  God answered all of those prayers with a resounding, “Yes,” so that the timing was 2003, the original leaders were called from Ohio, Oklahoma, and Indiana, and the money was provided to begin services open to the public on September 28, 2003.  Two hundred people attended on that day.  God had faithfully provide all three (wisdom on timing, leadership, and financial resources) ever since.

Clean Whiteboard

I love whiteboards.  Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t love whiteboards like I love my children, love my wife, or love God.  But still, I love whiteboards.  There’s something about a whiteboard that communicates, “Let’s collaborate. Let’s imagine.  Let’s plan.”  Some of the people at Life Bridge are convinced that my last name, Kersker, is just the German word for whiteboard.  (Actually, the German word for whiteboard is “Weißwandtafel.”  I looked it up.)