Saturday, January 23, 2016

Busy Whiteboard

Ok, so I did not anticipate the amount of activity that would take place in December and January.  Perhaps I should have.  It was, after all, Christmas.  Since my last post on December 5th, we have held 14 normal weekend services, 7 midweek services, a family Christmas program, Christmas Eve Candlelight service, and a New Years Eve youth overnight party.  In addition to all this, we attempted to travel to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving (resulting in car repairs and replacement in December), actually travelled to Cincinnati in January (for Christmas with family), and spent a week in Anderson, IN to continue my Doctoral studies. Whew!

All that being said, the “whiteboard” has not stayed clean.  I’ve been writing on it quite a bit with different individuals and teams.  Work is progressing.  New teams are starting to form.  MBOs (ministry by objectives) are being created, and support systems are being developed and put into place.  God is working in and through His people to begin empowering one million to walk together with God.  God team!  Praise God!!!

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